Squadron Keywords

Each squadron has one or more keywords with matching keyword icons. Each keyword produces the following effect for that squadron:


Q: How does the squadron keyword Bomber work?

A: When a squadron with Bomber attacks a ship, it can resolve the standard critical effect before totaling damage if it has at least one critical hit result. To determine the total damage of an attack against a ship, it sums the number of hit and crit results instead of only the hit results.

Q: When a squadron with Counter performs its Counter attack, can it resolve abilities that affect an attack?

A: Yes. A Counter attack functions just like a normal attack, except that the dice gathered for the attack are indicated by the squadron's Counter value instead of its anti-squadron armament. They can be affected by the Swarm keyword, Howlrunner's ability, etc.

Q: Can a squadron with Rogue move and attack in either order when it activates during the Squadron Phase?

A: Yes.

Q: Is a squadron with Grit prevented from moving while engaged with two squadrons, one with Heavy and one without Heavy?

A: Yes.

Q: Can a squadron with Strategic move objective tokens that are assigned to a ship?

A: No.

Q: If a squadron with Snipe is engaged and another squadron is at distance 2, can it attack the squadron at distance 2?

A: Yes. However, if the squadron with Snipe is engaged with a squadron with Escort, it cannot attack another squadron that lacks Escort.

Q: Does a squadron with Relay need to be at close-medium range of the ship that is activating squadrons so that those squadrons can activate?

A: Yes. The relay squadron must be in range to be activated by that ship, but that ship's squadron activation range can also be affected by other effects, such as Boosted Comms.

Q: Can a card effect or a squadron with Strategic move objective tokens to or from a position where they are overlapped by a ship?

A: Yes. If necessary, that ship's owner may mark that ship's position and lift it out of the way, then return it after the token is moved.


Related Topics: Armament, Attack, Commands, Engagement, Obstacle and Token Movement, Raid Tokens, Setup

  1. #ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 19-20 ↩︎

  2. #ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 34 ↩︎