Set Aside Ships and Squadrons

Some effects refer to ships or squadrons being set aside, typically before the “Deploy Ships” step of setup. The player controlling the set-aside ship or squadron places it outside the play area near its ship or squadron card along its player’s edge. These effects specify when those ships or squadrons can be deployed later in the game.


Q: Is a player defeated if they do not have any ships in play, but do have ships that are set aside due to a card effect?

A: Yes. All of that player's set-aside ships and squadrons are destroyed. In official tournaments, this occurs at the end of the game round.

Q: If a ship or squadron was set aside and is deployed at the start of a game round by an ability or upgrade card effect, can it resolve abilities and upgrade card effects at the start of that round?

A: Yes, as long as those abilities could be resolved at the start of the round in which that ship or squadron was deployed.

Q: Can set-aside ships be assigned tokens or chosen as an objective ship by abilities or card effect?

A: No. However, if they are assigned tokens or chosen as an objective ship before being set aside (by Blockade Run or Intel Sweep, for example) those tokens or effects are not removed when the ship is set aside.

Q: Can a ship or squadron that is set aside be deployed by a different card effect than the one that set it aside (Rapid Launch Bays and Fighter Ambush, for example)?

A: No. Ships and squadrons that are set aside are only affected by the ability or card effect that set them aside.


Related Topics: Effects, Objective Cards, Objective Tokens, Setup, Winning and Losing

  1. #ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 16 ↩︎

  2. #ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 33 ↩︎