Measuring Firing Arc and Range

To measure a hull zone’s firing arc, use the range ruler to extend the firing arc lines that are printed on the ship token around that hull zone. If a portion of any component is inside the area between those extended firing arc lines, that component is inside the firing arc.

To measure attack range from a ship, measure from the closest point of the attacking hull zone. To measure attack range to a ship, measure to the closest point of the defending hull zone. To measure attack range to or from a squadron, measure to or from the closest point of the squadron’s base.

When measuring attack range for a ship, ignore any portion of the defender that is outside the attacking hull zone’s firing arc, even if that portion is at a closer range.

If attack range is measured through a hull zone on the defender that is not the defending hull zone, the attacker does not have line of sight and must choose another target.

Related Topics: Attack, Firing Arc, Line of Sight

  1. #ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 11 ↩︎