Attacking Stations
Some objective cards refer to attacking the station, or to stations performing attacks. The “Armed Station” card is used when playing with those objectives to track damage to the stations and indicate their armament.
A station consists of a station token (from the Armada Core Set or a fleet expansion) and station card. A station card is similar to a squadron card, but it only has a hull value, anti-squadron armament, battery armament, and rules reminder text. Stations are treated as ships when resolving effects. Stations use the following rules when they are attacked or perform an attack:
- Hull Zones: A station is treated as a ship with one hull zone while it is attacking or defending.
- Damage: When a station suffers damage, deal a facedown damage card to the station for each point of damage suffered. A station cannot have faceup damage cards. When a station has damage cards equal to or greater than its hull value, it is immediately destroyed. Ships and squadrons cannot resolve critical effects while attacking a station.
- Destroyed Stations: When a station is destroyed, do not remove it from the play area. The station continues to obstruct line of sight, but counts as destroyed for the objective. A destroyed station cannot perform attacks and does not have the ability to discard damage cards or recover hull points for ships and squadrons that overlap it.
- Firing Arc: Each station has a 360º firing arc.
- Line of Sight: When tracing line of sight to or from a station, trace the line using the point of the token that is closest to the opposing squadron or hull zone.
- The armed station may attack and draw line of sight to ships and squadrons overlapping it.
- While the armed station is attacking, if the defender is a ship overlapping the armed station, the armed station may attack and draw line of sight to any of the defender’s hull zones.
- Attacks that draw line of sight through a station are obstructed.
- The armed station cannot obstruct its own attacks.
- A ship or squadron that is overlapping a station cannot declare an attack against that station [1].
Related Topics: Attack Range, Damage, Critical Effects, Firing Arc, Line of Sight, Measuring Firing Arc and Range, Obstacles, Obstructed, Range and Distance, Ship
#ffg Rules Reference Guide 1.5 Page 2-3 ↩︎